{"id":179,"date":"2017-04-21T14:35:53","date_gmt":"2017-04-21T18:35:53","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/cancercarealliance.org\/?page_id=179"},"modified":"2019-09-18T15:45:16","modified_gmt":"2019-09-18T19:45:16","slug":"ohio-state-university","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/cancercarealliance.org\/participating-sites\/ohio-state-university\/","title":{"rendered":"Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus, OH"},"content":{"rendered":"

Addressing Cancer Care Symptoms and Needs of Patients in Central and Appalachian Ohio<\/strong><\/h3>\n

As a member of the Alliance, The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center<\/a> (OSUCCC) will work with its patients, families and community partners to monitor and address cancer patients\u2019 symptoms and needs in a timely fashion \u2013 before problems intensify and greatly affect treatment adherence and outcomes.<\/p>\n

\"\"Community partners, the Heart of Ohio Family Health Centers<\/a>, Primary One Health Centers<\/a> and the American Cancer Society<\/a>, will provide access to supportive services for underserved patients and their families. Community partners will also work with OSUCCC to help ensure timely referral and treatment for newly diagnosed cancer patients.<\/p>\n

The OSUCCC program will implement a smart phone-based program to monitor patients\u2019 symptoms and needs during treatment. In addition, trained patient navigators will support and guide patients through the cancer care and treatment process.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t